"Poorly Planned... Badly Executed"

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Canyon Creek Race

Looking backup to the last few drops of Canyon Creek (and the race)

After a week lapping the Little White and with same Green Truss and Farmland runs thrown in for good measure Chris Korbulic and I were good and ready for a change of pace on (and weather for that matter) so made our way to Washington’s Canyon Creek. Not that the prospect of a one last Little White lap wasn’t awfully tempting, we did try but nobody joined us for the shuttle and the walk was looking just a touch too long. Besides I really would like to have a run down the class four river I was to be racing on the next day (not that it helped… read on)

Chris Korbulic lining up for air time on the final boof of the race

We were joined by some buddies from Corvallis at the takeout where we were gratefully enjoying the sunny blue skies and warm temperatures, something we had not seen much of the previous week. With big smiles on our faces and the shuttle set we got down to the business of paddling the river (and scoping out the race lines). The run put an instant smile on my face which was only made bigger by the first box gorge and beamed form ear to ear by as I launched over the last three boofs on the run. The river also boasts probably the nicest 20 foot waterfall I have ever run (blind might I add… heehee, so soft and fluffy).

Chris Gabrielli leading the random facial expressions campaign (click on the photo for a bigger version)

Not to be left out Jeff doing his best 'ooh rapid' facial

Mean while I was hiding from the paparazzi "hee hee can't shoot my face"

With race day eve upon us we quickly got down to the business of drinking malt liquor (carbo loading for those in the know). Ok so only I was drinking malt liquor as Chris Korbulic left his bottle conveniently in the car… I guess we can’t all drink like Kiwis eh Chris. Well that’s the performance de-hancing drugs dispensed (and an uncomfortable nights sleep in the car) time to race.

Half naked boddies everywhere... it must be a good day ;-)

The guys getting their tan on

Not everyone was a fan of the sun however... Jacs hiding from the sun, or maybe she is hiding how red her skin was from the camera?!?

Then there were some who just didn't like the camera. Too bad Nick the paparazzi is everywhere

And there were even a few who just plan didn't know what was going on... "Who are you? What are you doing... You're not even my real mother!!"

The weather on race day was nothing short of stellar and we quickly found more people we knew including a bunch more form Corvallis and Shaun and Jacs. “It’s going to be a good day”. Eventually we all got ourselves to start line and did our best to beat each others times (none of us were taking it that seriously) although not all of us made it to the bottom in one piece. Paddling the run only once before racing down a class four river seemed like a good idea at the time but my memory of the lines was lacking one small but significant detail… the line through a sticky hole half down the run. Yep… as you have probably already guessed I got thrashed and pulled out of my kayak while fighting the beast. Well that was my race over, much to the delight of all my friends who are still letting me know about it… can’t blame them really I would certainly be doing the same.

Rafters at Champagne styling the line

Conner and Chachi not doing so well though - 'but I don't want to go over there!!'

Casey enjoying the action at champagne

A pretty sweet day all in all (even if I did swim for the first time in quite a while) and the after party was no let down either. In fact that statement doesn’t really do the party justice… it was up there with the best kayaking shindigs I have ever been to. So how to make a great weekend even better – paddle the Little White at 3’5’’, so that’s what we did. All that was missing was the petrol station pie on our way to the river ;-)

Dusty wasn't in the race but that didn't stop him getting some air time

And I think he's pretty happy about it